Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Captain's Log - Car Date 2009148

Still here! Yesterday was a crazy busy day. I felt like I did SO much, but never pulled the camera out. Exhaustion is setting in, and there was some "tween" drama. She is BORED, and is "jealous" that I am spending so much time packing. We went out last evening for a couple hours, took a drive and went to the mall. Didn't buy ANYTHING.

Here is Wednesday's list:
1) Buy jeans (I tried again, but talked to my neighbor too long at the market)
2) Car to Carmax Issue diagnosed, have to return on Friday.
3) Finish packing the various boxes throughout the house - This is not done, but we keep consolidating boxes from around the house, we are getting closer!
4) Repack Tara's books - I think they will have to be in two boxes, or it will be too heavy! For a kid that doesn't really like to read she has a lot of "favorite" books.
5) Go to market - need food for dinner. Fridge and pantry getting low (which is a good thing in this case) Made Rice-A-Roni with Chicken thighs, broccoli & asparagus
6) Deposit checks in my purse in the bank - TOTALLY forgot about this one until I put the visor down in the car today!
7) Stop at bike store to see if he will buy back my bike
8) Go to "pawn shop" to see if they will buy two TVs
15) Have Tara go through My Little Pony collection - She got rid of a few, but very reluctantly. I think she is feeling PRESSURED to get rid of her stuff. I suspect that once the dust settles in PA, we can "revisit"!
16) Finish removing paritally packed/sorted items from Tara's room - Not totally finished, but I went through two boxes that were my stuff - papers, etc.
17) Go to Post office - four packages to be mailed. I have all item together in a box, with all four addresses. That's a step in the right direction. I HATE the post office.
18) Trip to Goodwill. I took another BIG load, but TOTALLY forgot to take pictures. The exhaustion is setting in.

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