Time is really flying. I sit here thinking of the things that I need to do besides packing (vet, car to mechanic, post office, phone calls, etc) and realize that we have to keep moving. I think I said in a previous post, the hope is to have everything pretty much wrapped up with packing by the weekend, Saturday would be great. This would give us a couple days to sit back, rest and maybe do a couple of activities that we had hoped to fit in before leaving. First the weather got so hot that we stayed away from outside activities, and since then we have had rain, rain and more rain! I would love to get back to EPCOT, Magic Kingdom and Disney Hollywood Studios one last time, but that will not happen. We might be able to make it to Downtown Disney to get our last Disney fix! One thing is for sure, as much as we have loved Disney, we will not be vacationing here anytime soon! Disneyland in California maybe, but not Disney World. There is so much I want Tara to experience in the North East, I don't think we will have to travel to far! So, this morning I was up bright and early again, only I only had about 3 1/2 hours of sleep. I fed the animals, and walked the dogs all before 5:30! I spent some time on the computer and watched the news, and then I started sorting through boxes again. We pretty much have everything emptied out, and things in piles or boxes. I have a box of scrapbooking stuff, office/school supplies, a box for my bedroom, a box of those odds and ends of paperwork that you want to make sure you can put your hands on quickly if need be. I've also got a kitchen box, a Tara box, and just odds and ends box. When I find something that belongs in one of those categories, I just drop it in the box on my way by. Depending on what is in the boxes in the end, they may or may not have to be repacked. I am sure in the end there are going to be a box or two of STUFF that has no logic place in my organizational scheme. I had boxes like that when I moved to FL, they were the last boxes to be packed when I was just too tired to think about it. The way I am feeling this time, that STUFF might just become trash! Trash oy vey, this is a problem. No trash today because it is a holiday, and we will have no bulk pick up this week, where we can put out at the curb the equivilant of one small pick up track of "stuff". I am trying my best to keep my trash consolidated as much as I can. This is the 45 gal can I have in the house. This really saves on trash bags. It is brand new, clean, not smelly, but definitely one of the best things I decided to buy in the process. It's about filled to the top, so Thursday needs to come quickly. I have another just like it in the garage right now and it is packed to the top!

1) Buy jeans. Do we want to take bets on what day I finally do this?
2) Hallway bathroom cabinets. Not yet completed, but one side is emptied. I still need to go through all the stuff, it is all small odds and ends of toys. I have also pulled a few things from the other side, so there is very little there still yet to do!
Goodwill today's load was a big one. I am totally impressed by this new Goodwill store and drop off center. The folks that work the donation area are so nice. I pull my vehicle up under the covered area, and within a moment or two, there is someone outside with a yellow bin to help me unload. Within 5 minutes I am done and on my way! I read today, when I was looking for a phone number to see if they were open today, that even if they can't use items, anything that they can recycled is recycled, and they get money back into the organization from that as well. That makes me feel better should I be donating anything that they can not use/sell. I am trying to only donate things that if I were going to a thrift store that I would want to buy (if they were not already my things!) This store is near the Univ of Central FL campus, so I suspect at some times of the year they get a good business from college students. Today's load included over 12 DOZEN hangers. 144 HANGERS - all the nice plastic kind. I didn't think we ever had 144 pieces of clothing between the two of us, but we had HANGERS. Mom has plenty of hangers back home. The black trash bag is full of hangers! Also donated games, lots of decorative stuff. I even gave up my Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls I got when I was in 7th grade (yes, a little old for dolls, but if I remember correctly, they were "popular" at that time. I had always held on to these as keepsakes, but Tara had gotten to them when she was little and the boxes were gone, and she really had not interest in them, so I SACRIFICED! I am sacrificing a great deal of sentimental items, I just need to let go!

4) I "freecycled" a Cartop Cargo carrier that we used when I moved to FL, and no longer needed, so I while I was outside waiting for the woman to arrive to pick it up, I started to work on the stuff in the garage a bit more. This area is almost done. It looks like there is still quite a bit of stuff, but amazingly, much of it is empty storage boxes. I might actually have EMPTY boxes when all this is over. I bought 10 new boxes, but had quite a few around the house, that are being utilized as well. I have two bikes that I want to see if I can get some $$$ for. My bike is almost like new, I'm just not a big bike rider. I would much prefer to walk. Tara has outgrown her bike. Other than that in the garage I have 4 completely full boxes of XMAS stuff, and one box of misc things that when added to some XMAS stuff in the house might yield two more boxes. My christmas tree, Tara's electric scooter, RIP Stick, and her saddle just about complete the major stuff out there to be moved. There is a bit that will be taken by the 1-800-GOT-JUNK truck.
Inside the house does not look I made too much progeees, but I really have. Hopefully tomorrow I will bea able to add boxes to the living room which is the "staging area" for the big move day!
5) Master Bedroom - go through my TWO boxes of stuff, and get all of Tara's books out to the main book box! I will leave this one uncompleted!
I even prepared a decent dinner, sloppy joes, mashed (very good instant potoates from Aldis) green beans, baked beans and corn.

I worked on the garage some more this evening and walked the dogs in the rain. That was about it for today. Tomorrow is a new day, with renewed energy!
I'm tired actually having trouble keeping my eyes open to type this! I probably forgot something!