One of my favorite things to do before we moved to Florida was head out early on a Tuesday (or more often Saturday, because I was working then) morning to Rice's Market. Rice's Market is 30 acres of outdoor, retail therapy. There has been some type of "farm market" on this site for over 100 years, when Mr. Rice first started selling products from his and neighboring farms.
Rice's is located north east of Doylestown, PA. It's an easy and very beautiful drive back Mechanisville Rd (the way I go) as your drive by farms, and homes from past centuries.
Today as we were driving, even with the windows up, we were able to smell lavender that was growing at Carousel Farm which I knew nothing about until I just Googled it! Tara and I will be headed back there on a Saturday sometime soon when the farm is open to the public. I was not able to get a picture, due to the traffic on the road (the nerve of the driving public to impede my photography!).

We also passed many great houses "dressed" for the 4th of July, I was only able to snap a couple! I LOVE older homes like this, but as I am inept at home repairs, and don't like yard work, they would not be the place for me!

Soon we arrived at Rice's, paid the $1.00 parking fee, and started the hunt for a spot. Normally, I would have been out the door by 6:30am or so, as it opens at 7am. This was a spur of the moment trip since Tara was up much earlier than has become the norm! We did not leave until close to 8am, arriving around 9am. I found a great spot pretty quickly (by following folks that were leaving). It was VERY crowded.

From New Adventures in Lansdale and beyond! |
You can find just about anything at Rice's, fresh produce, plants, clothing, jewelery, PURSES (everywhere there are purses), food, collectibles, cosmetics, pet supplies, and so on and so on!
We first stopped at Marie's Soap Co.. I was drawn to all of the fresh scents of the all natural soaps. Tara and I each got a bar of soap, and I got some all natural insect repellant (essential oils - Basil, Citronella, Eucalyptus, Lavendar, Litsea, Peppermint & Pine!).
We also picked up some jewelry for Tara (peace signs of course) and a birthday gift for my mom (85th on 7/4!). I was drawn to the colorful displays of purses, but I RESISTED the urge. I even got yelled at by a little man for taking pics of his purses, but I DID NOT delete the picture!
We then came upon THESE:
FRESH BAKED early this morning, PHILADELPHIA PRETZEL BRAIDS. YUMMO! This one actually made it all the way home because I wanted to make sure I took a picture! There is NOTHING like a fresh Philly pretzel... Super Pretzels are NOT the real thing!
We wandered a bit more, and suddenly, I heard a familiar voice... Paulie of Philadelphia Candles. I did not get a picture of Paulie, but Tara did get a lovely Vanilla/Spice Candle (it's still in the car and it is raining, so sorry, no picture), so I'm borrowing one off his website, I hope he won't mind since I'm advertising his wares!!! These are awesome candles, and the scents when burning rival Yankee Candles (which I LOVE as well).

By then it was getting warmer, and MUCH more crowded, so we decided to head home. We did not cover the entire 30 acres, and we did not go into the bakery, indoor food area (which is AMAZING) due to the crowd. There is always the next time.
If you are in the area on a Tuesday or Saturday, Rice's is worth your time. My favorite time of the year is a nice crisp cool fall morning!!!
Oh, and remember this post - Miles of Mules? Well, I got a picture of the SIXTH mule today!